
Photos of glastonbury tor
Photos of glastonbury tor

photos of glastonbury tor

Before his death, Joseph supposedly buried the fabled chalice under the Glastonbury Tor, and from it emerged a miraculous spring that flows out at the Chalice Well. It has since become one of Christianity’s most famous artifacts in absentia. According to tradition, it was used by Jesus at the Last Supper, and caught his blood as it dripped from the cross. After Jesus’ death, Joseph apparently acquired a number of the Messiah’s belongings, including the famous cup. It was not this however that made Glastonbury so important, but rather a small object that Joseph brought with him: the Holy Grail. In its shadow he built his last home and England’s first church. Why Joseph chose Glastonbury is not certain, but it is possible that he, like the Druids before him, were inspired by the area’s spectacular Tor.

photos of glastonbury tor

He ultimately ended up in the British Isles, and is credited with founding Christianity there. Sometime around the middle of the 1st century he left the Holy Land, partly due to the persecution of Christians, but also out of a sense of missionary and evangelical duty. Joseph, who had donated the tomb in Jerusalem wherein Jesus was briefly buried, was one of Christianity’s most important early disciples. Glastonbury’s Christian history began in the mid-1st century AD, when, according to local legend, Joseph of Arimathea arrived in Britain. Glastonbury has long been a melting pot for Christianity and ancient Celtic legends, with the two frequently merging into a unique blend of Celtic-Christian mysticism. Whatever the truth is, Glastonbury Tor is an important spiritual connection to the arrival of Christianity in the British Isles. More important to the popular imagination is the strong local belief that the Holy Grail, the cup that Jesus used at the Last Supper, is buried beneath the hill. For one thing, a secret gate to the next world supposedly lies within, and it is one of many places where Christ is supposed to reappear during the end times. According to legend, Glastonbury Tor conceals many secrets. Michael’s Church at the peak, the entire area is steeped in both Christian and Celtic tradition. From the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey at the base to the ruins of St. According to local tradition, Joseph of Arimathea stumbled upon the place after his long journey from Judea, and selected it as the central location for his Christian missionary work in Briton. The strange, quasi-stepped hill that dominates the Salisbury plain has been a magnet for prophets and mystics since antiquity.

Photos of glastonbury tor